Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas Pictures!
Well I hope that all of you are enjoying your holidays! We are not finished with our celebrations, but I thought I would get on and share just a few pictures. We will be celebrating my birthday, yes the big 30, on Monday and head off for my parents on Tuesday. I am sure I will not post much again next week. I am going to have a TON of catching up to do!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas

As much as I am missing blogging, I am enjoying some much needed family time, and a BREAK! I won't be on much the rest of this week and next week. I hope that all of you have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I've been avoiding the unavoidable
I have avoided talking much about my fast approaching birthday, yes it is the BIG one and I am a bit nervous! I am going to be the big 30! I know that doesn't seem old to some of you, and it doesn't really seem old to me, but more the end of a great era. I LOVED my 20's, they were full of life changing events and I can't believe they are over! So I thought since I have a week and 4 days before the big day I am going to list all the BIG events that happened in my lovely 20's.
20-Met my wonderful Husband
21- Married my Husband
22- Graduated from Nursing School
23-Began my first pregnancy
24- Gave birth to my first born Joe Braden
25-Started my career in the Education world
26- Moved to F-town where Joe started in the administration end of his job, a HUGE step up for us.
27- Gave birth to my second born Joshua.
28- Joe got the youth minister job at the church
29- Came back to work.
So see these are just the big events! There are a ton of other things that are awesome about my 20's but I will spare you all the tears, and fit throwing I would do if I had to go on. Really 30????
20-Met my wonderful Husband
21- Married my Husband
22- Graduated from Nursing School
23-Began my first pregnancy
24- Gave birth to my first born Joe Braden
25-Started my career in the Education world
26- Moved to F-town where Joe started in the administration end of his job, a HUGE step up for us.
27- Gave birth to my second born Joshua.
28- Joe got the youth minister job at the church
29- Came back to work.
So see these are just the big events! There are a ton of other things that are awesome about my 20's but I will spare you all the tears, and fit throwing I would do if I had to go on. Really 30????
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Wordful Wednesday: PUT THAT CAMERA DOWN
My dear sweet Husband got me a Cannon Rebel XSI for Christmas! I LOVE it! He decided that since it was a time of year for lots of pictures to give it to me the 5th so I would have it for all of our festivities. I have been taking pictures of EVERYTHING.... CAN YOU TELL?

For more Wordless Wednesday see Angie

For more Wordless Wednesday see Angie

And They're Off
The Christmas race has truly begun. We are having our first family Christmas of the year this weekend and I am frantically trying to prepare. I have gifts to wrap, food to cook, and bags to pack. Plus of course there are our parties for Joe and I at work and Joe Braden for his class at school.
We get so busy this time of year that sometimes we forget how important this time is. While I think we should celebrate Christ's birth year round there are a ton of people who only think of Christ this one day of the year and it means a lot to me that people stop and see Christ, even if just for a day. Oh it does sadden me that it isn't more than the one day, but hey I take what I can get.
More than anything though I feel like it is a time of the year when transgressions are to be put away and we are to have peace. Family is an important part of our lives and I think Christmas is a wonderful time to celebrate our families and the blessings that we have through Christ, in our families. I hope that all families can come together through the Holiday Season and forget hurts and wrongs of the past year. I pray that all man kind can put aside their differences if only for a moment and experience the Joy of Family.
May your Holiday Season be BRIGHT!
We get so busy this time of year that sometimes we forget how important this time is. While I think we should celebrate Christ's birth year round there are a ton of people who only think of Christ this one day of the year and it means a lot to me that people stop and see Christ, even if just for a day. Oh it does sadden me that it isn't more than the one day, but hey I take what I can get.
More than anything though I feel like it is a time of the year when transgressions are to be put away and we are to have peace. Family is an important part of our lives and I think Christmas is a wonderful time to celebrate our families and the blessings that we have through Christ, in our families. I hope that all families can come together through the Holiday Season and forget hurts and wrongs of the past year. I pray that all man kind can put aside their differences if only for a moment and experience the Joy of Family.
May your Holiday Season be BRIGHT!
Monday, December 15, 2008

Well it is that time once again to share with you all the things I did NOT do last week! I am actually proud of a few this week!
I did NOT learn to say NO this week, and it did NOT feel SUPER good!
I did NOT decide that cleaning could wait until the very last minute, and then panic and decide to Mop before Sunday Morning church in my Church clothes and all.
I did NOT sleep in a suburban on the debate trip while my students were in a round and I was on a judging break.
I did NOT make my family drive 30 miles just because I wanted to go to Michael's and Target for no REAL reason.
I did NOT let my 5 year old eat pancakes in the living room floor 3 days last week just so he could watch TV and be still while Mommy got ready for work.
I did NOT cry watching 2 shows this last week when they weren't that sad thinking back on them.
I did NOT hit the snooze way to many times EVERY morning last week, even causing myself one day to be 10 min late to work. I would NEVER do that!
I did NOT get spoiled by my hubby doing the laundry so much so that I haven't touched it in a week, and it is not over flowing in my laundry room! (Hubby did it up until Thursday, so from Thursday-Sunday hasn't been done!
Friday, December 12, 2008
PSF: Vacation
This summer we took a vacation to see my Nana in TN. She had never met my boys so this was a very special trip.

There were many tears when we arrived, and it was such a moving experience to see her embrace my children.
One day while we were there we took the boys to a neat little park and then out to dinner where we were serenaded by a Mariachi band.

Then it was off for a day in Nashville! We spent the day with my Aunt Babie and her children, James, Julia, and Jennifer. It was a blast, we went downtown and then to Opry Mills Mall where we shopped and ate at the Rain Forest Cafe. The boys really enjoyed that!

Here the boys are with Elvis!

Joe Braden in Coon skin!

Julia trying out purple boots!

Julia and "The Jacket"

On the train in the mall.

On the Carousel.

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

There were many tears when we arrived, and it was such a moving experience to see her embrace my children.
One day while we were there we took the boys to a neat little park and then out to dinner where we were serenaded by a Mariachi band.

Then it was off for a day in Nashville! We spent the day with my Aunt Babie and her children, James, Julia, and Jennifer. It was a blast, we went downtown and then to Opry Mills Mall where we shopped and ate at the Rain Forest Cafe. The boys really enjoyed that!

Here the boys are with Elvis!

Joe Braden in Coon skin!

Julia trying out purple boots!

Julia and "The Jacket"

On the train in the mall.

On the Carousel.

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Mommy got the boot!
Here lately we have been having issues with Joshua going to bed.

Yes, but I do believe it stems from the fact that we were off schedule due to Thanksgiving and then illness. He has been throwing absolute fits at bedtime, and just being difficult.
Last night during a fit, Joe had enough and went into the room. He apparently told Joshua that he would pick him up but he wasn't leaving the room. Well I didn't KNOW this doesn't work because it is what I have been doing! Don't you know though it worked for him! He picked him up and held him and then put him down, Joshua was out in like 10 minutes with NO crying.
Fast forward to tonight. I am reading Joshua books when Joe walks by to go help Joe Braden, Joshua takes one look and starts screaming, "I want Daddy put me Nigh Nigh!" So I calm him and finish reading and try to lay him down, and again he screams and says, "I want Daddy Nigh Nigh!" So we go get Daddy and he takes over, and once again NO screaming. I guess my "Nigh Nigh" days are gone for now! Kind of sad for me, but I know that Joe really enjoys it, so Yay for Daddy getting some much deserved attention!

(This is his NOT ME face!)
Yes, but I do believe it stems from the fact that we were off schedule due to Thanksgiving and then illness. He has been throwing absolute fits at bedtime, and just being difficult.
Last night during a fit, Joe had enough and went into the room. He apparently told Joshua that he would pick him up but he wasn't leaving the room. Well I didn't KNOW this doesn't work because it is what I have been doing! Don't you know though it worked for him! He picked him up and held him and then put him down, Joshua was out in like 10 minutes with NO crying.
Fast forward to tonight. I am reading Joshua books when Joe walks by to go help Joe Braden, Joshua takes one look and starts screaming, "I want Daddy put me Nigh Nigh!" So I calm him and finish reading and try to lay him down, and again he screams and says, "I want Daddy Nigh Nigh!" So we go get Daddy and he takes over, and once again NO screaming. I guess my "Nigh Nigh" days are gone for now! Kind of sad for me, but I know that Joe really enjoys it, so Yay for Daddy getting some much deserved attention!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Wordful Wednesday: A Tribute to My House Husband
Today in light of Joe Braden having Strep, for the 2nd time in 4 weeks, Joe stayed home. I knew he would go insane, because he HAS to work, so I wasn't in total shock when I came home to this scene in my house.

Can he be a house husband more often? He completely caught up from when I was sick! It was GREAT! I wonder what he will do tomorrow on his second day home?
For more Wordful Wednesday see Angie

For more Wordful Wednesday see Angie

Shopping with Kids
I love taking my children shopping most of the time, yes I know I am in the minority, but it is usually so fun to watch them take in all the new sights and sounds. Last night however was a mix of love and hate. We have been planning for a while to take the youth group Christmas Shopping so even though we had just gotten over our bought of illness we decided to go on with the excursion. It is an event we do every year and that the girls truly love. So we loaded up the van and off we went to the mall. Now mind you our nearest mall is 45 min away so it makes for a long trip just to get there. Joshua is in a not so great mood and is crying most of the way there because he wants his Daddy. Who can blame him, his Daddy is AWESOME! Well we should have known then it would be a LONG night.
We get to the mall and instead of getting out our stroller Joe said, "hey boys do you want to get a double fire truck stroller?" We thought that surely this would make the trip far easier, but oh no not happening tonight! Joshua SCREAMED any time that we entered a store, and Joe Braden just griped about everything, he didn't whine but just complained. We did manage to finish up our last few Christmas gifts though, so it was worth it all, I guess. At one point Joe was so frustrated he got both boys dipping dots, which just made matters worse for Joshua because he was DETERMINED to feed himself!
We finally leave the mall and head to eat and to Target both of which went somewhat smoother except the fact that Joe Braden was begging to go home and go to bed, what is wrong with him was my first reaction. Well turns out it should have been! I checked him all evening for a fever and nothing, so I thought maybe just a long day since he started after school care yesterday, WRONG. After getting home he went to get ready for bed and when he came out he was GLOWING! Yep FEVER of 102! So needless to say I am guessing Strep since his only complaint is a sore throat, AGAIN. Oh will this sickness never end for us? Joe was sweet and let me come to work since I have had to take off 5 days in the last month! Oh the fun! So I will not be taking my boys shopping again until after the holidays, it seems it is all too much for their little minds to handle, and I forgot to mention the FIT that was thrown to see Santa for the 3rd time this year and wait in an hour line, yeah Mommy didn't cave, but man later I was wishing I would have!
We get to the mall and instead of getting out our stroller Joe said, "hey boys do you want to get a double fire truck stroller?" We thought that surely this would make the trip far easier, but oh no not happening tonight! Joshua SCREAMED any time that we entered a store, and Joe Braden just griped about everything, he didn't whine but just complained. We did manage to finish up our last few Christmas gifts though, so it was worth it all, I guess. At one point Joe was so frustrated he got both boys dipping dots, which just made matters worse for Joshua because he was DETERMINED to feed himself!
We finally leave the mall and head to eat and to Target both of which went somewhat smoother except the fact that Joe Braden was begging to go home and go to bed, what is wrong with him was my first reaction. Well turns out it should have been! I checked him all evening for a fever and nothing, so I thought maybe just a long day since he started after school care yesterday, WRONG. After getting home he went to get ready for bed and when he came out he was GLOWING! Yep FEVER of 102! So needless to say I am guessing Strep since his only complaint is a sore throat, AGAIN. Oh will this sickness never end for us? Joe was sweet and let me come to work since I have had to take off 5 days in the last month! Oh the fun! So I will not be taking my boys shopping again until after the holidays, it seems it is all too much for their little minds to handle, and I forgot to mention the FIT that was thrown to see Santa for the 3rd time this year and wait in an hour line, yeah Mommy didn't cave, but man later I was wishing I would have!
Monday, December 8, 2008
I am BACK!!
After a long way over extended weekend, I am back! I am so busy I could pull my hair out, but at least I am not at home taking care of sick children while, I myself am sick. So just a brief update: Joshua ended up throwing up 30 times! No I am not exaggerating, it was terrible, and WAY disgusting! I was sick off an on until Friday night when it hit me full force and stayed in bed, when not taking care of dirty diapers or throwing up until this morning. Joe Braden got it Friday night also but bounced back super fast. He is still complaining of a sore throat but at least doesn't have fever or any nasty bodily fluid exiting his body unwanted.
I have a busy week of trying to play catch up, so bear with me! I hope you all have a wonderful day!
I have a busy week of trying to play catch up, so bear with me! I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Can you say COFFEE???

It all started last night at 7 when he went to Bible Class at church. Poor little guy didn't know what to think and I felt so bad for him. He finally stopped about 2am and man am I exhausted since he was up at 6!
He is feeling better though and has so far kept down fluids and medication so I am praying it was a 12 hour bug. Hope all of you have a wonderful day, I hope to get at least one nap!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Wordful Wednesday: A Letter to my Boy

This picture was taken of Joe Braden by my SIL while at Thanksgiving.
Joe Braden,
You are my beautiful Angel boy, and such a gift from above. From the very first time you were even thought about you were loved. I will never forget the first time I looked into your beautiful big brown eyes, I knew you loved me and that we would always have a bond. You make my life eventful from your dramatic story telling, to your sweet hugs, even you little mad fits, I love it all.
You make me proud with your kind sweet heart, the way you help others and always root for the underdog. You make me want to be more like you every day. You are your Daddy's twin sometimes it seems, with the same beautiful olive skin, and dark hair, your sense of humor and beautiful smile.
You always aim to please God and that makes me so proud and very happy. I pray that you never lose sight of why we are on this earth. Always keep God first son, and know that he will always take care of you.
I love you more than I can ever explain in words,
For more Wordful Wednesday visit Angie at 7 Clown Circus

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Mommy Goes to School
So I came home from signing up from classes last Tuesday and wanted to break the news to Joe Braden. I was so excited and beaming from ear to ear that I am sure my 5 y/o was wondering what BIG news I had. I looked at him and said, "Mommy is going to back to College."
OK so the only experience my boy has with the College life is that of his uncles. He knows that when they both began college, one 2 1/2 years ago and 1 in Sept., they both moved away. So it shouldn't have shocked me when his face went into full shock and scared mode. He just burst out in tears!
I quickly came to his rescue wondering why he was so upset that Mommy was leaping into this. I hugged on him and started asking, "What is wrong?" To this he simply replied, "You are going to live there and leave us all alone with DADDY!!" Poor kid, why hadn't I thought about the way I said it and save the child some grief? Of course I start laughing hysterically, not because he was upset, but because he was afraid I was leaving him alone with his Daddy! Makes me feel good to know that he NEEDS his Mommy still!
I did comfort him and explain that, while Mommy was going to live right here, things would be a little different. We are actually looking into after school care 2 days a week to give me an hour to study uninterrupted, since he comes to my office every day after school. This was actually good news to him, because his friends all go and he would love the extra time to play. I also explained that sometimes Mommy will have to leave on Saturday mornings or weekday evenings to go take test and that there may be times Daddy would have to a little more with them. I did promise NOT to compromise our bedtime routine including reading time and sight word practice. That is by far one of my favorite times each day, as it is his, and we both would miss it too terribly.
Now my 5 year old is ready for Mommy to go back to school, too bad I didn't explain BEFORE I told him!
OK so the only experience my boy has with the College life is that of his uncles. He knows that when they both began college, one 2 1/2 years ago and 1 in Sept., they both moved away. So it shouldn't have shocked me when his face went into full shock and scared mode. He just burst out in tears!
I quickly came to his rescue wondering why he was so upset that Mommy was leaping into this. I hugged on him and started asking, "What is wrong?" To this he simply replied, "You are going to live there and leave us all alone with DADDY!!" Poor kid, why hadn't I thought about the way I said it and save the child some grief? Of course I start laughing hysterically, not because he was upset, but because he was afraid I was leaving him alone with his Daddy! Makes me feel good to know that he NEEDS his Mommy still!
I did comfort him and explain that, while Mommy was going to live right here, things would be a little different. We are actually looking into after school care 2 days a week to give me an hour to study uninterrupted, since he comes to my office every day after school. This was actually good news to him, because his friends all go and he would love the extra time to play. I also explained that sometimes Mommy will have to leave on Saturday mornings or weekday evenings to go take test and that there may be times Daddy would have to a little more with them. I did promise NOT to compromise our bedtime routine including reading time and sight word practice. That is by far one of my favorite times each day, as it is his, and we both would miss it too terribly.
Now my 5 year old is ready for Mommy to go back to school, too bad I didn't explain BEFORE I told him!
Well I have done it, I have taken the plunge! I have enrolled in college at almost 30 with 2 children and I am scared to death! I started classes online yesterday and I know it is going to be something that will change my family for the next 14 or so months. I am working on getting my RN, I am currently an LVN, doing the same job as an RN for far less money. I am excited about the new venture, but it is really going to be a challenge! I just wanted to share my excitement with all of you and ask for understanding if there are times my blog suffers.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I am back....Not Me Monday!
So I am back and man was it a long, yet very enjoyable trip. I hope that all of you had a really nice Thanksgiving too.
Here I go again with my Not Me Monday to join in visit MckMama @ My Charming Kids.
- I did NOT totally lose my mind and decide to begin college again! I start my first class today! Yeah it is online so I can start now! YIKES!!
- I did NOT try again with the potty training Joshua and fail again.
- I did NOT nap all but 2 days of our vacation and use my 2 year old needing a nap as an excuse.
- I did NOT use my 2 year olds nap to skip out on Thanksgiving dinner clean up! OOPS!
- I did NOT walk circles around my in-laws yard just so I wouldn't feel so guilty about the Thanksgiving meal only to eat way too much popcorn and reese's pieces at the movie.
- I was NOT singing along to "I like to Move it" in Madagascar 2 and acting so goofy that my 2 year old would rather play and laugh with Mommy than watch the movie.
- I was NOT so excited about Black Friday that I made up an excuse to stop at Wal-Mart on the way home from the movie just to scope out the sales early.
- I did NOT wake up at 3:30 even though my alarm was set for 4 Friday morning because I was so excited to shop!
- I did NOT convince my dear sweet Sister in Law to chase down a Wal-Mart employee that had something she wanted because I thought he was putting it back on the shelf.
-I did NOT along with my Sisters-in-law convince a lady, ahead of us in line, to buy even more merchandise than her probably 1000 dollar loot.
- I did NOT get so overwhelmed in one store that I had to leave because it was nerve racking.
- I did NOT go back to Wal-Mart Saturday only to find more deals that I just had to have.
- I did NOT totally ruin my diet all weekend.
-I did NOT use the grandparents to get extra sleep.
- I did NOT trick my Husband in to telling me one of my Christmas gifts.
- I did NOT write such a long NOT me Monday that even I got bored!

Here I go again with my Not Me Monday to join in visit MckMama @ My Charming Kids.
- I did NOT totally lose my mind and decide to begin college again! I start my first class today! Yeah it is online so I can start now! YIKES!!
- I did NOT try again with the potty training Joshua and fail again.
- I did NOT nap all but 2 days of our vacation and use my 2 year old needing a nap as an excuse.
- I did NOT use my 2 year olds nap to skip out on Thanksgiving dinner clean up! OOPS!
- I did NOT walk circles around my in-laws yard just so I wouldn't feel so guilty about the Thanksgiving meal only to eat way too much popcorn and reese's pieces at the movie.
- I was NOT singing along to "I like to Move it" in Madagascar 2 and acting so goofy that my 2 year old would rather play and laugh with Mommy than watch the movie.
- I was NOT so excited about Black Friday that I made up an excuse to stop at Wal-Mart on the way home from the movie just to scope out the sales early.
- I did NOT wake up at 3:30 even though my alarm was set for 4 Friday morning because I was so excited to shop!
- I did NOT convince my dear sweet Sister in Law to chase down a Wal-Mart employee that had something she wanted because I thought he was putting it back on the shelf.
-I did NOT along with my Sisters-in-law convince a lady, ahead of us in line, to buy even more merchandise than her probably 1000 dollar loot.
- I did NOT get so overwhelmed in one store that I had to leave because it was nerve racking.
- I did NOT go back to Wal-Mart Saturday only to find more deals that I just had to have.
- I did NOT totally ruin my diet all weekend.
-I did NOT use the grandparents to get extra sleep.
- I did NOT trick my Husband in to telling me one of my Christmas gifts.
- I did NOT write such a long NOT me Monday that even I got bored!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Does this mean I am addicted?
OK I know I have already posted today, (not even an hour ago). I just have to confess that I must be addicted to blogging. My in-laws live in a TINY town, like maybe 200 population and therefore can only get dial-up internet which is so impossible with blogs. We are leaving to go this evening and will not return until Sunday. I have been so worried about this and have wondered how I would survive, until last night.
Joe and I were discussing Black Friday and all the shopping we will do, and the idea hit me. We always stop at Starbucks to grab a coffee of some sort, HELLO free wi-fi!! I started packing up my laptop, and got a funny look from Joe. I just looked at him and said, "There is a Starbucks when we shop, so I will blog on Friday." He laughed so hard I thought he may cry!
Joe and I were discussing Black Friday and all the shopping we will do, and the idea hit me. We always stop at Starbucks to grab a coffee of some sort, HELLO free wi-fi!! I started packing up my laptop, and got a funny look from Joe. I just looked at him and said, "There is a Starbucks when we shop, so I will blog on Friday." He laughed so hard I thought he may cry!
I know there will be tons of post about being Thankful this week, but I just can't pass the opportunity to join in. I have so much to be thankful for and feel greatly blessed. I read stories and talk to people daily and see the problems they face, and I think WOW I have nothing to complain about. I have a healthy family, a wonderful husband, and a Faith in Jesus Christ that makes it all that much better. So here is a list of the things I am thankful for, even though there are many, many more.
- My graceful loving Heavenly Father, who sent his son that we too may live an everlasting life. If God is not a part of your life, or you ever would like to talk about him please let me know. There is nothing more satisfying or life changing than becoming a Child of God.
-My wonderful Husband who puts up with me, and all my good and bad! I love him with all of my heart and more and more each day.
- My boys, who I never thought I would have.
- My Parents who raised me into the Woman I am today, and introduced me from day one to my God and Savior.
- My In-laws who raised a wonderful and loving man who also has a very deep faith.
- My extended family for always being there.
- My church family for the loving Spiritual support and friendship we all need.
- My job and the wonderful people I work with.
- My home, car, food, and being able to provide for our family beyond just needs.
- The Military men and women who serve and put their lives on the line for mine and my families freedom.
- The free country that we live in.
- The beautiful creation that God has given to us to enjoy,love and CARE for.
- My Friends who love me even when I am not the best at communication.
I hope that you too have a thankful list. I have a ton more, and go on all day, but I will leave it at this. I will be gone the rest of the week, but will catch up with all of you soon! Have a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving holiday!
- My graceful loving Heavenly Father, who sent his son that we too may live an everlasting life. If God is not a part of your life, or you ever would like to talk about him please let me know. There is nothing more satisfying or life changing than becoming a Child of God.
-My wonderful Husband who puts up with me, and all my good and bad! I love him with all of my heart and more and more each day.
- My boys, who I never thought I would have.
- My Parents who raised me into the Woman I am today, and introduced me from day one to my God and Savior.
- My In-laws who raised a wonderful and loving man who also has a very deep faith.
- My extended family for always being there.
- My church family for the loving Spiritual support and friendship we all need.
- My job and the wonderful people I work with.
- My home, car, food, and being able to provide for our family beyond just needs.
- The Military men and women who serve and put their lives on the line for mine and my families freedom.
- The free country that we live in.
- The beautiful creation that God has given to us to enjoy,love and CARE for.
- My Friends who love me even when I am not the best at communication.
I hope that you too have a thankful list. I have a ton more, and go on all day, but I will leave it at this. I will be gone the rest of the week, but will catch up with all of you soon! Have a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving holiday!
Monday, November 24, 2008
And the Winner is...............
Honey Mommy!!!!!
Random Sequence Generator
Here is your sequence:
* 20
Thank you so much for playing along everyone! If you didn't win head on over to Monica's Creative Corner and place an order. You will not be disappointed.
Random Sequence Generator
Here is your sequence:
* 20
Thank you so much for playing along everyone! If you didn't win head on over to Monica's Creative Corner and place an order. You will not be disappointed.
Don't forget to enter!!
Hey ladies don't forget to enter my giveaway for a Custom Christmas Bow and a bow holder. Even if you don't have girl enter and use it as a precious gift! I will take entries until 12AM!!! Good Luck!
Not Me Monday

This is my first time to play along and I am excited!!
1. I DID NOT eat so much food yesterday that I thought I might explode, and not feel guilty about it today.
2. I DID NOT let my child who is allergic to milk have it because he cried so hard and was super pitiful.
3. The milk DID NOT make my baby have yuck diapers and a tummy ache all day and make him smell like spoiled milk ALL DAY.
4. I DID NOT stay up late playing Super Mario Brothers on a 30 dollar game Console that we found at a mall kiosk and make my boy go to bed.
5. I DID NOT rip a controller out of my 2 y/o hand out of wanting to "just beat the next level"
6. I DID NOT sound like my Mom and tell my boys, "you look out your window and you look out your window, and I better not hear another word!" I would NEVER do this!!
7. I DID NOT let my children eat Pizza for 3 meals in one weekend!
8. I DID NOT clean house in commercials of Grey's Anatomy because I just couldn't wait to whatch it off the DVR.
9. I DID NOT buy my child a toy just because he wanted his brothers, and should probably learn you don't get everything you want!
10. AND I DID NOT run into a wall while talking to my boss! I mean I really didn't have a bruise on my cheek I hit so hard.
Award for today!

I got this award a few days ago from Maggie at Life with Boys and was so busy last week that I didn't have time to post it! I am thankful and blessed by my blog friends and love having other Moms to use as a support. Thank you so much Maggie!
This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships!
*These blogs are exceedingly charming.
*These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends.
*They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement.
Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly written text into the body of their award.
I would like to pass the Proximidada Award on to:
1.Honey Mommy
2.Space of Grace: The homemaker's Library
3. Lindsay at Our Lives in a Nutshell.
4. Monica at A Day in the Life
5. Val at Life is Superb
6.Rachel at Little Bites of Heaven
7.Leslie at The Moody Family
8. Pam at Your Gonna Miss This
Thursday, November 20, 2008
PSF: Joshua's Climbing Days!

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Before Joshua could even walk he began to climb. It AMAZED me, when he was 5 months he climbed out of his exersaucer. I could NOT believe it! I thought I was going nuts when he was out of it, thinking I had taken him out and not even remembered. I put him back in, and watched him climb out! He still loves to climb and get into everything! I tried to get pictures of all the places he climbs when he was small, so I thought I would share!

My News is: A Giveaway from Monica's Creative Corner

OK so here is my "news", sorry to disappoint those of you who thought I was preggers! I just am sooooo excited to do this giveaway! Monica is very talented and I was honored to be able to be able to share it with all of you.
The giveaway is for the Christmas bow, and the Bow hanger, so yep you get 2 for 1!! Here are the rules:
1. To get one entry visit Monica at Monica's Creative corner and give her some blog love and comment back here that you did so.
2. For 2 entries do the above, plus link to the giveaway on your blog.
3. For 3 entries do all the above, plus add one of Monica's nifty buttons.
4. For 4 entries do the above and follow both of us.
5. The giveaway ends Monday at midnight and I will do a random selector for the winner and post who that is on Tuesday.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Wordful Wednesday: Craft Show
My sister in law Monica of A Day in the life, and I did a Craft Show this weekend. It was a very small show in the very small town I live in, but it was a fund raiser for the school, so a very good cause. We had a lot of fun getting to show off our creations and spend the day showing people what we do in our spare time. My Mom and Mother in law also contributed to the show. My Mom made jewelry to go along with my stuff and our Mother in Law made candy to add to our booth. It made for a full, pretty, and TASTY booth. Monica did great selling bows and bow hangers and her stuff is super cute, wish I had a girl to use them on! I sold custom Mother's Bracelets and then a few of my other pieces. It was a really good time!
One of my pieces. (not a great picture)

Monica with her bows!

Me and my Jewelry!

My Jewelry!


For more Wordful Wednesday visit Angie
One of my pieces. (not a great picture)

Monica with her bows!

Me and my Jewelry!

My Jewelry!


For more Wordful Wednesday visit Angie

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