Well I have taken a leave of absence from the blogging world, and have decided to make my return. I went through a rough pregnancy with no energy to do anything, much less blog about my inadequate body and mind! My Isabella made her entry into this world 6 weeks early and fairly small, but she was a tough little cookie and had no major issues. After a week in NICU she came home and we have been loving her up for the last 9 weeks! She is growing like a champ and is now the size of an average newborn. She was born at 5.0 and is now at 8.8. I will fill you all in on the birth story in another post soon. I have been noting things I want to share on my blog the last few months so you will all have some good reading, at least I hope, in the very near future. Now I would like to introduce:
Isabella LaRue 

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